Searching the unknown is for explorers; searching for God is to be known as lovers!
Since Roe vs Wade, 1973, it is estimated that approximately 125,000 abortions per day are performed. One statistic puts this at 40 to 50 million per year, world-wide. Numbers may vary, but the staggering totals literally blow the mind. It is difficult to even imagine that a baby in the womb, at any stage during a pregnancy may have a 19% chance of being aborted. One statistic states that there are 188 abortions for every 1,000 pregnancies.
Look at some disasters perpetrated on humanity in my lifetime (82 years old). The Holocaust where 6,000,000 Jews were exterminated, not including others as well. The attack on Pearl Harbor where 1177 sailors and marines lie under the USS Arizona Memorial, not including many others who perished when the Japanese attacked us December 7, 1941.
September 11, 2001 when over 3,000 people died in the attacks on the World Trade Center, Towers 1 and 2, the Pentagon, and Shanksville, PA when flight 93 went down via the bravery of the 40 passengers and flight crew possibly saving the Capitol or White House from disaster.
We all may remember one or more of these atrocities depending on our age. But, as horrible as these were, the numbers of and the manner in which the willful destruction via dismemberment of viable living babies is far worse. Human beings like you and me except for age, are grossly torn apart, limb by limb, while fighting for their lives if by no other way except the “silent scream”.
This is what was just promoted in the State of New York where after 24 weeks a fetus may be terminated if considered non-viable or other reasons to abort a live baby. Have these Legislators gone completely mad? I feel, as many would agree with me, that Satan is alive and using every possible manner to destroy God’s faithful by pairing good meaning people against one another and creating what Hitler would have been proud to see had he lived beyond the bunker he was killed in.
The past has always exemplified attacks on humanity, shown us evil at its worst in people that must have been taken over by Satanic influence, and left the rest of us in a state of utter disbelief.
It appears that more and more evil atrocities seem to raise their ugly heads and makes those of us who care about each other ask why? This is not what we were taught in Catechism classes, heard from the pulpits, and understood in our relationship with God. But here it is, abortion on demand in too many states, Legislators who care only about their next election, and justice no longer seems important for those who cannot defend themselves; Unborn children with hearts beating, blood flowing throughout their tiny bodies, sensing every sound and felling love or hate. They are living human beings except still protected within their mothers’ womb awaiting the opportunity to open their eyes and see the world that will nurture them.
How can a man or woman go through many years of study and finally take the Hippocratic Oath “Do no Harm”, as doctors “ But do they who are willing to inject into the brain of a baby coming out of the birth canal something to kill that child and/or use forceps to dismember this human child with no guilt, no criminal action, and no more concern that they have willfully committed justified murder live with themselves?
As Roman Catholics some of these elected officials no longer see the Church, God, and moral standards as sound principles for life. They have become willing hosts for evil spirits to dwell in, looking for a resting place from which the most heinous actions upon innocent persons can be carried out. Have we reached a period in our “modern society” where some have placed themselves as gods who will determine if the unborn, elderly, those with limited mental capacities, and who knows whom else are fit for the right to life?
Ponder this if you can; the safety of all human life is making us as pawns on a game board and each throw of the dice can easily wipe out one more person making your opponent more eager to outdo him. Silence becomes the very mother of evil deeds when no one speaks out.
This is not a political expose’ or a choice of who we should vote for. It is, however, a plea for good caring persons to stand up against people like the New York Legislators and other States’ authorities, to hear these children in their Silent Scream through each of us that they are putting their very souls in jeopardy. The decisions for action lie with each of us to stand up, not just for the unborn, but depending upon yours and my status in life, the very tenets of human viability and morality that is in jeopardy. Again, silence can become the very essence of “who cares anymore?”
Ralph B. Hathaway, January 31, 2019