Never let anyone tell you what you can't do, including yourself. I have learned first hand that every time I feared that I could not succeed at something... I set out to prove everyone wrong, especially me. We never think that our accomplishments are that big a deal. But to other people, we're amazing. We need to learn how to see that in ourselves. We need to learn not only to celebrate our victories, but to believe that we can and will meet our goals.
It matters how we talk to ourselves.
One of my favorite quotes is by Henry Ford. "Whether you think you can... or think you can't... you're right.”
I'm not just saying to slip on those rose colored classes and suddenly everything will be fine. Set goals that are attainable, and even some that you think aren't. Work toward all of them. Celebrate all of them. Maybe your goal was to finish all the laundry for ten seconds--celebrate! Maybe your goal was to get a job in your field--celebrate! Maybe your goal was to get into college--celebrate! Maybe your goal was to finish your homework--celebrate! Make your goal was to binge-watch your favorite show--celebrate!
Celebrate small goals... and then work towards big dreams.
In 2010, I set a goal to write a book. When I finished it in 2015, I set a goal to write six more of the series. When I finished two more in 2017, I set a goal to find a publisher. I reached that goal, and am one chapter away from finishing book four.
I'm not somehow any better or smarter or more talented than anyone else.
I just didn't wait for my ship to come in. I swam out to meet it.
Sometimes, that swimming was powerful strokes. Sometimes it was floating on driftwood because I was too tired to continue. Sometimes it was doubling back to shore because I thought the ship was too far. Sometimes it was finding the courage to get back in the water when I was certain I couldn't succeed.
My dreams came true because I didn't quit. Yours can, too.
Don't give up. No matter how hard it is, keep swimming. Tell yourself that you can, and before you know it you'll reach not only those goals, but other ones. You'll learn to be grateful for what you have while continuing to work toward what you want. And you'll eventually realize that you can reach that ship. You can take the helm. You can set sail.
You're capable of more than you'll ever know. So go and find out.