God is known as The Creator. A creator is defined as: a person or thing that brings something into existence.
For as long as I can remember, I've loved being creative. Whether it was building a fort through the entire living room out of blankets and furniture, making collages and scrapbooks, or writing a book, creativity is as much a part of me as my own breath.
Through my creativity, I've connected. I connected with my friends when I would make them home made presents. I connected with my family when we played in that fort. I connected with those who would read my books. And, in a very deep and meaningful way, I connected with God.
Yes, the book is a Christian fantasy. So obviously, I connect with God in that sense--writing about Him, having my characters know Him in a way that I can't until Heaven. But it's more than that.
When I'm creating... I'm doing what God does.
I'm making something out of nothing. I'm taking a blank document and a blinking cursor and nothing but my imagination and allowing something to flow out of me and exist that has never ever existed before. And it's all for God's glory.
God created the universe. He created the heavens and the earth. The animals. And, most importantly--human beings. And He gave us the ability to (and even called us) to be like Him. So I can't think of a much better way to do that than to take a gift He gave me (my creativity) and give it back to Him through writing.
And through my writing, I also understand God more. I get to know him through The Arrow Bringer. But I also understand something bigger--when you create something... you love it. It's a part of you. It's like having a part of who you are existing outside of your body. You're connected to it. You care deeply about it. You don't abandon it.
God created us. If having creativity flow out of you is an expression of yourself, imagine how much more it is to have the entire universe flow out of you. We artists are protective of our work. We want to keep it safe and we want to share it with the world and for it to thrive.
That is how God feels about us. Because we are God's creation.
We are what He poured His heart and soul into. We are who we cares about more than anything, in such a deep and profound way that He sent His only begotten Son to come and save us when we needed it. He doesn't give up on us. He's still working and tweaking and creating new things in us. He's taking care of His art--us.
Don't ever doubt that God loves you. Don't ever doubt that you're special. You are created by The Creator! He called you into existence and loves you fiercely. Always has... and always will.