7 Sorrows of the Modern Church
that we would not be outwitted by Satan; for we are not ignorant of his designs. 2 Corinthians 2:11
The man-hating spirit is everywhere now (so is the woman hating, but that’s for another article). It’s a palpable, tangible presence. I know because it has attacked me before. And when it does, bitterness and resentment seep into everything. But I have become aware that it is an actual entity that is attacking. When you know this, you can change.
If you look around you can see this man hating spirit in society. Men and women who God created complimentary to work together, are tearing each other apart. This post is focusing on the women’s role in tearing down men.
Many years back I remember living in this place. I remember working, doing laundry, doing dishes, and having babies sitting on my hip, and I remember being angry. The physicality of it is exhausting. I directed that rage at the men around me, especially my husband. To me it was “their fault“. I was bitter and resentful and I was probably a pain to be around.This was before my friend Veronica was murdered. This was before I had the deep realization of God. But even back then, God was chasing me.
One day I remember sitting at my sink, a toddler at my feet, and dirt on the floor. I was looking at the dishes and I was MAD. I looked up outside my kitchen window, trash left by the kids in the backyard, I sighed and looked up at the sun. And a voice in my head clearly said to me, “what are you so mad about?” I answered, “look at all this mess, no one helps me!” The voice said, “if you didn’t have that mess you wouldn’t have people who loved you living here.” I honestly felt like I got slapped in the face. I sat there stunned. I started to cry. My priorities were all screwed up. I had let the perfection of the world, which is about appearance and material things, seep into my brain; And I had forgotten about the perfection of God, the virtues my parents had taught me about.
From that day forward I made a concerted effort to be kind to my husband when he came home from work. It was amazing how my kindness made him want to come home from work. Breathing life into someone, it changes them, and it changes you. It wasn’t perfect virtue, and still isn’t, but it was a movement towards God, and wanting the best for my husband, wanting for his salvation, and not just mine.
As I have travelled this journey and grown closer to God, I feel like He has revealed how disordered things are in our society. I do believe God gave men authority, as head of the household, but men have used authority (at the devil’s prodding) to “Lord it over” women. Women have gotten angry and have rebelled (at the devil’s prodding). And now here we sit in a society filled with hatred of men.
The relationship of man and woman was meant to be complimentary. Man as the head of the household, and the woman helping him, because when she does, it helps her, and it puts 10,000 demons to flight. When a couple comes together, the power of God is seen. I was talking to my friend Ashley the other day. We spoke about how many women struggle with husbands who aren’t as faithful to God as they are, or problems even bigger than that. Ashley always tries to look at things from the perspective of the Blessed Mother. Here is what she said;
Where men are unable to hear and operate in their authority, the spirit descends upon the women and the women must then pray for the men. Mary received the spirit at the Annunciation. Then she prayed for Joseph. Joseph then began listening and had the dream from the angel, to take Mary as his wife and the other dream to flee to Egypt. He was acting upon the authority that was given him from God—-to lead Mary and Jesus. Then once Joseph dies, Mary must take back that authority of the family and finish raising her Son. At the Wedding at Cana we see her giving the authority to her Son. She then was under Jesus’ authority after that. Then at the foot of the cross she was given to John. So John was to lead Mary for the rest of her earthly life. It is a beautiful flow of the spirit of authority from one person to the next in the story of Jesus. So too with us. Where the man lacks authority, the woman will receive the spirit and lead. But we must do what Mary did and pray for the man. When we pray, their hearts can become open for them to listen to God’s messages and lead… taking back that God-given authority with women being vessels of it until they are ready. We see with this that the darkness will not overcome the light of the human race.
We have had years of women who have suffered at the hands of men. This post is not meant to belittle their pain. This is actually about healing. Instead of trying to dominate over men we should be praying ardently for them. God’s authority can be given as He sees fit. He gave it first to Adam, who was to be the keeper and protector. When they fell in the garden, he blamed Eve, she blamed the serpent, and death entered the world. Stop blaming. Start praying. Prayer begets unity, the unity we are all seeking. And let us also remember mercy. Mercy is the key to permanence in relationship. God extends us His mercy, we must do the same.
Did you ever wonder why the Angel appeared to Joseph? I mean, if God did not intend him to have any authority in the matter, why bother? But God knew Mary needed Joseph. And Mary knew she did too. That’s why when he takes them to flee to Egypt she doesn’t object. She doesn’t say, NO I won’t listen to you. She listens and respects his authority. And Jesus, he was under Joseph’s authority too. They worked together in harmony. That’s why they are the hearts in unison.
Today we are in an intense battle. The man-hating spirit is actually in the atmosphere. You can feel it when you walk into places. But just because you feel it, doesn’t mean you should embrace it. Our spirit is deeper than our feelings. Hand those to God, and pray for better men. When a man feels supported and loved, he can actually do what he is supposed to do, and we women will receive what we have been longing for from our men.
One more thing, when a woman dishonors her husband, in front of children, this does astronomical damage to the children. Half of who they are comes from him. If you want to breed self-hatred in your children, this is how you do it. Love is sometimes difficult. Some would say it’s impossible, but that’s why God is asking for us to rely on Him, because nothing is impossible with God.