Love God and do what you will.
A preview of the book The Arrow Bringer
Chapter 1, part 3: Unthinkable
We leave the lobby, and I find myself wishing I could somehow freeze time for a little while. But, much too soon, we reach the garden. Built between Dr. Naveen’s office and the hospital, it’s a place to relax or meditate.
Tall hedges bearing roses grow in the center of the garden, encircling a more intimate area lined with benches. Dad leads me toward a bench, and we sit.
This place is familiar and comfortable to me, and I’ve always felt at home here. “You used to love this place. After every visit with Dr. Naveen, you’d beg me or Mom to bring you here.” Dad takes my hand. “You were so much fun to watch. We couldn’t get enough of you.”
“I’d… I’d give anything to go back. Even to yesterday.”
Dad swallows hard. “I know, Sweetheart.” He wraps his free arm around me. “You know I’m no good at this. Remember the day you figured out you’re adopted?”
I smile. I was only three years old but had already noticed I was different. With doe-brown eyes, dark brown hair, and tawny brown skin, I didn’t resemble my fair-featured family. “We were sitting right here. I brought it up before you had the chance.”
“You’ve always been so incredibly intuitive, Evangeline. And so beautiful.” His voice breaks. “Your mother and I are so blessed to be your parents.”
“I’m so blessed to be your daughter. I love you, Dad.”
“I’ve loved you since the moment I laid eyes on you. That was the first day I became a dad.” He sighs. “There have been difficult times… being a father. But this… this is the hardest.”
(This book will be .99 on Launch day on 3-19-19)