I was a lukewarm Catholic for many years until my wife and I became parents, and that spark of Faith that was strong as a child was rekindled and burst forth anew. I became a commissioned extraordinary minister of Holy Communion for my local Parish (Our Lady of the Snows in Clarks Summit, PA), and take communion to the homebound of the community, and am on the parish's monthly Adoration team.
I began praying the rosary and was guided to use the internet to explore the Catholic Faith.
After listening to many great apologists like John Martinoni, Scott Hahn, Mike Cumbe, and countless others, I wanted to gather such resources together to help others on similar journeys. In December of 2010, I started the Facebook page/community Cathletics: Catholic Apologetics as a hub for these resources. The page come in 2nd in the About.com reader's choice award for best Catholic Facebook page. Cathletics also provides “Praystation Rosaries” (rosaries with prayer booklets) to the children of the parish and print weekly coloring pages based on each Sunday's Gospel.
I am now also the parish manager for our Lighthouse Catholic Media CD/Book Kiosks, and run an evangelization booth featuring the Lighthouse kiosks at our annual summer bazaar.