Lisa Mayer loves Jesus and his people very much. She takes to heart, "Love the Lord your God with all your heart, mind, soul, and strength, and love your neighbor as yourself."
She loves her husband Rich and her furbaby, Scooby. She loves her family and friends. She loves writing. In her free time, you'll find her curled up in her superhero pajamas binge-watching her favorite TV shows or movies, catching up on her reading list, or playing Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery. She loves bike-riding, adventures and traveling. She crosses something off my bucket list every year.
She’s a total nerd and not afraid to be different. She has anxiety and OCD and is a proud mental health warrior who wants to break the stigma of mental health.
She writes because she loves it, but most of all because she loves Jesus and her readers. She hopes her books will reflect who she is: someone who wants to inspire others and make a difference. She hopes they give you a serious case of the feels, and that they make you laugh. Most of all, she hopes they help you know just how much Jesus loves you.
She is the author of The Aletheian Journeys: The Arrow Bringer, which will be released by Write Integrity Press, LLC on 3-19-19.
Facebook: AuthorLisaRMayer
Twitter: LisaRMayer2019
Instagram: author_lisa_r_mayer_2019/