Nathaniel Slattery resides in Tennessee with his wife and children. He writes when he can. He also keeps sheep, does various forms of hard labor, cares for his family, and is a devout Catholic.
He has completed several novels, including two very Catholic novels, and is in the works of a Catholic historical novel set in 15th century Italy dealing with corruption of clergy, a non-fiction about American history, a science fiction, a non-fiction about modern feudalism, and a novel about a priest in the Chastisement and Triumph of the Immaculate Heart. He likes to talk about writing, is an editor, a carpenter, a shepherd, very active in his parish, and can be contacted easily and pleasantly at He edited
Listen to Our Lady by Fr. Christopher Riehl, God rest his soul, and is looking for more editing work. For Catholics and Catholic organizations, he edits for free when justice, prudence, and charity allow.