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Go Fishing on Ash Wednesday
By Father Adaly Rosado, Jr.
Today, Ash Wednesday is one of the busiest days of the year. Today, everyone is Catholic. As many of us know many Catholics who normally do not attend Mass will be present.
Halloween Has Religious Origins
By Bill Dunn
This week we celebrate Halloween. Like most holidays on the calendar, Halloween has religious origins. In fact, the word holiday itself is a contraction of the two words “holy” and “day.” In ancient times—for example, back when people had only dial-up Internet service—all the special days during the year were religious festival days.
Have you filled your "spiritual suitcase" today?
By Flávia Ghelardi
I like to imagine that everyone has a "spiritual suitcase" where we put all the graces we receive from our prayer life. I speak about a suitcase because we can take it everywhere we go, it always will be with us. It´s from this suitcase that we withdraw the graces we need to face our daily challenges.
In the Anxiety, Do you trust Me or Not?
By Susan Skinner
As long as I can remember I have been an anxious person. A person who was filled with worry. When I look at something, I can picture the worst thing happening in my head. My neck hurts, I must have meningitis–never mind that I had worked out in a weight lifting class yesterday that used muscles I didn’t know I had–I am definitely dying.
Fraternal Correction
By Charles Miller
If you saw your child running with a knife, would you let them just keep running with it, or would you tell your child to stop? I think most parents with sense would immediately try to stop the child before they cut themselves. It is in our natures to look out for the ones we love. .
What's in a Title?
By John C Prejean Sr.
Since my reversion in 2012, I have met some great Catholic men who were, and still are, inspirations to me and my journey with Christ. These are men whom I call upon in times when I need prayer or advice. These are men whom I refer to as my brothers with all sincerity.
Meet Asia Bibi: A Catholic Mom Sentenced to Death as a "Blasphemer"
By Larry Peterson
We are so blessed to be living in the Unites States of America. The freedoms we have enjoyed are beyond compare. Yet there are those Americans who will fight to have these very freedoms we enjoy stripped away to satisfy their own ideologies. How sad this is and what fools they are. Especially those who try to strip away religious freedom from those who disagree with them.
Faith In Our Family, Bedtime Prayers
By Peggy O'Flaherty
When I was little my parents would kneel before our bed each night and we would say our nighttime prayer. "Angel of God my guardian dear to whom God's love commits me here. Ever this night be at my side to light, to guard, to rule to guide. God bless......."
Go and Do Likewise
By Christopher Smith OP
Scripture is filled with examples of God exercising His divine right to grant pardon and award grace to whomever He chooses. The parables in the Gospels are perhaps some of the best illustrations (I encourage you to read them even if you are familiar with the stories)
I Ching, Yoga, Numerology, Astrology = Yawn
By David R. Myers
I recently saw a posting for a Catholic site asking the question – should Catholics consult the I Ching? I have seen other such postings concerning Astrology, Yoga, Numerology, fortune tellers , and on and on. I have heard these kinds of questions asked to guests on Relevant Radio as well.
Unplanned Parenthood And Still Choosing Life
By Dean P. Johnson
Sometimes we parents second-guess ourselves. Sometimes we wonder if we’ve made the right decision, if we’ve made the right call. Sometimes we ask ourselves if we could have done a better job. The fact is, things don’t always go exactly as we as parents had planned. Sometimes something happens that causes us as parent to reevaluate our entire parenting career,
Assisted Suicide, Brittany Maynard, and Giving God a Day
By David Vermont
Dear Brittany, You have incurable brain cancer and you’ve told the world that you are going to take a pill and end your life on November 1st. I don’t know if I can change your mind. You’ve obviously given this decision a lot of thought. You have a well put together website explaining your decision and have hundreds of supporters.
Surrender Now, Men
By John C Prejean Sr.
I’m no psychologist or any other type of expert when it comes to the male mind. All my theories are based on self experience and observations. With that being said, why is it that men are so afraid of God? Now some of you all may be saying to yourselves, and especially the ladies,“if you all are so afraid of God, why do you all do such stupid things?”
Let Him Die
By Victor S E Moubarak
Father Ignatius was a member of the Doctors and Patients Consultative Committee at the local Hospital. The Chairman of the Meeting welcomed all present and said: “Thank you for attending this Meeting which we have arranged to discuss a matter on which the Hospital Board has asked for our views. Over the past few months, there have been a number of premature births in this hospital
Wiping the Face of Jesus
By Susan Skinner
If you know me at all,you know that I am Catholic. I identify myself as this above all things. It is who I am, a believer in Jesus Christ and a member of the Catholic Church. If you have known me a long time, you already knew this about me. I have grown up going to Church, attended Catholic schools
Should Catholics Celebrate Halloween?
By Elizabeth Giddens
As Halloween approaches closer, an ethical question rings through the head of many devout Catholics— Should I celebrate Halloween? I want to first explain the origin of the famous holiday, and then dive into the answer.
Thankful in All Things
By Susan Skinner
Life can be unkind. I have had my share of sufferings, as I am sure most people have. If we are not careful, we can let a bitterness seep in.
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Weekly Newsletter
Is It a Sin for Catholics to Eat Meat on Fridays?
By D. S. Gonzales
Demons Can Smell the Soul of a Man Living in Mortal Sin
By Terri Thomas
The Catholic Virtues
By Ray Sullivan
The Strange Religious Meaning of Flies
By Gary Sullivan
Prayer to St. Lucy (for Eyes & Vision Issues)
By Catholic Crusade Ministries
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