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The importance of St. Gabriel the Archangel
By Anne Marty
Blessed Archangel Gabriel was the guardian angel of the Mother of God. It was Gabriel that was sent to Zachary to announce that his wife would conceive and bring forth a son who they should call John. John was the precursor of Jesus.
RE: The Synod: The Catholic Church is the "Bride" of Christ and the Holy Spirit has Her Back; NO Problem
By Larry Peterson
It is quite apparent to me that the 2014 Vatican Synod on the Family has been hijacked by the mainstream media and press. (Maybe we should call it the Secular Media Synod). Reports of Synod actions are flying out from the keyboards about all sorts of things, and none of these keyboards are privy to what any of the final Synod results will say.
Why bother with Mary?
By Victor S E Moubarak
The first “Any Questions” session held by Father Ignatius in the church center proved so successful that some members of the congregation asked him to hold another one. They enjoyed asking questions about church matters in general and the Catholic Church’s teachings in particular, and learning from both Father Ignatius and Father Donald answering honestly rather than “toeing the party line”;
Birthed in a Crucible of Despair
By Melanie Jean Juneau
A true story After a grueling nursing shift, Caroline sat alone, slumped, at the kitchen table. Head bowed down, resting on her arms with a glass of cold beer beside her.
Eternity: a fearful and wonderful mystery
By Traditional Catholic Guy
“Labour not for the meat which perishes but for that which endures uto life everlasting, which the Son of man will give you. For him hath God, the Father, sealed. “--John 6:27 If you are in want of repentance; if your heart is cold, and you think that there is no hope for you to incite within yourself sorrow, contrition, and a true spirit of reparation, meditate upon the mystery of Eternity..
Modern Youth Ministry
By Erin Saueressig
In 2012, during my sophomore year of high school I fully entered the Catholic Church. My conversion to Catholicism was a process, and an emotional one at that. Even though I’m now a full Catholic, I have found that even for cradle Catholics, conversion is a lifelong process, and one that is a daily battle to convert ourselves from seeking sin, to chasing Christ.
Tired of Struggling on Your Own? Reconciliation Lends More Than Just a Hand
By Dean P. Johnson
How often do we say to ourselves that we don't need any help, that we can handle things on our own? In our society, to be independent and self reliant is seen as admirable. We live in a world where asking for help, and consequently admitting we cannot do things on our own, is often viewed as more menacing than managing.
Christ is Greater than Columbus
By Father Adaly Rosado, Jr.
We recently celebrated Columbus Day. While people argue about whether or not this day should be celebrated as a holiday, it is safe to say that most people enjoyed the day off from work. For most it was a day to be with their families. For most children it meant “no school on Monday!”
Imagine Touching Jesus!
By Elizabeth Tichvon
The Gospels often describe crowds of people traveling long distances to experience the miracles of Jesus. Crowds so large and desperate, Jesus expected to be crushed by them - imagine!
A Different Love Story: Remembering "The Prison Angel", Mother Antonia Brenner
By Larry Peterson
This is a love story. No, it is not about romantic love. Rather, it is about the love of Christ exploding in the soul of a woman who took her God given gift and did her best to shower it upon some of the meanest and worst criminals in Mexico.
A Modern Good Samaritan
By Carol Ann Chybowski
The outbreaks of Enterovirus D68 and Ebola have all of us worried. They are deadly, and we don’t seem to have a handle on how to cure them or stop their spread. It brings back so many memories of the early days of the AIDS epidemic in the late 80’s and early 90’s.
A Mission of Peace to Russia – You Should Know What Occurred in Red Square on October 17, 1992
By Debbie Womack
The Feast Day of St. Margaret Mary, 1992, found me FAR from the parish community of St. Margaret Mary in Louisville, KY. Instead of preparing for the dedication of our new church building, I was preparing for a march through Red Square, dedicating a broken country to Jesus Christ, King of All Nations and to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
Too Busy To Care
By Victor S E Moubarak
“After sunset all who had friends who were sick with various diseases brought them to Jesus; He placed His hands on everyone of them and healed them all.” Luke 4:40. “Then a man suffering from a dreaded skin-disease came to Him, knelt down before Him, and said, ‘Sir, if you want to, you can make me clean’”. Jesus stretched out His hand and touched him. “I do want to,” He answered. “Be clean!”
Comes A Time
By Sarah Rougeux
Admittedly, I enjoy listening to some good songs by the Grateful Dead. Their song, Comes A Time, includes the lyric: "Comes a time when the blind man takes your hand, Says, "Don't you see?......”
Communication Skills are Essential for a Fuller Life
By Renee Oania
After graduating from a junior college, I took classes such as, Beginning and Advanced Acting, which taught me to work with others in groups, to be able to take directions, and to get feedback from others by not taking it personally. I also took Auditory Processing Strategies Lab which taught me to focus on development of a process-based approach to auditory processing
By Timothy Neboyskey
VINES Souls animate humanity… humanity gleans knowledge knowledge refines patience
Angels are REAL
By Melanie Jean Juneau
Angels are not wispy, sweet little things but rather powerful, spiritual entities of light who guard us, fight for us, bring us the Word of God and heal us. Angels always point us towards heaven, to join in worship and praise of Christ . Angel’s deeds are more than simply the stuff of legends, children’s bedtime tales, wishful thinking or fantasies of illiterate, ancient minds.
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Weekly Newsletter
Mass Attendance, Reverence, and Vocations: A Reality Check
By Deacon Wally Calabrese
The Catholic Virtues
By Ray Sullivan
Border Hypocrisy: The Double Standard of Pope Francis?
By Terri Thomas
A Prayer Before Work
By Pam Spano
Compassion vs. Policy: Rethinking the Church's Role in Migrant Care
By Joseph Peach
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