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Transformative Christianity
By Shaun Johnson
As I look back on 11 years now as a person in professional ministry and education and a lifetime of being a Christian, I’ve come to the realization that being a Christian is hard work. Why? Well, for one thing, the command to “Love one another”
Catholics Live With Mystery
By Melanie Jean Juneau
Isaiah 55:8,9 “For My thoughts are not your thoughts, Nor are your ways My ways,” declares the LORD. “For as the heavens are higher than the earth, So are My ways higher than your ways And My thoughts than your thoughts.
That's It, I'm Done!
By John C Prejean Sr.
Are you one of those who is about to get off social media sites completely? I too, for a while, felt like I was going to close my Facebook account and just stick with Twitter or nothing at all. Now, I’ve found a new way to use social media sites towards my advantage, which has made it a much more pleasant experience
What about a bad priest?
By Elizabeth Conner
What do you do if you have a bad priest? Hopefully, this is not a question that we have to ask often. Just like there are bad doctors, bad lawyers, bad customer service reps, the religious sector also has their fair share of bad leaders.
Rediscovering Our Roots in Ministry
By Shaun Johnson
In the quest to reach young adults in the world of ministry there are many different styles and models, all of which are in continual dialogue and development as we move from one generation to the next. As a campus minister in higher education, I have experienced the challenge of trying to adopt and re-image how I approach ministry in order
The Science of Religion: God's Blessed Hologram
By Robert Italia
The faithful may bristle at the thought of using science to illustrate and defend religious tenets, but as the following column argues, science and religion are not the foes many perceive. If anything, secularism has co-opted science in an (unwitting?) attempt to disconnect man from God. So here’s CRISTOFORI’S DREAM, my novel’s theory of everything. Perhaps there's a hint of truth in all of this
Shock Value: when young Catholics take on indie film
By Mary Ashley Burton
So many people say they are sick and tired of what is coming out of Hollywood. Well, there are good, faithful Catholics who are stepping into the eye of that storm to try to make a difference. I met with Julian Curi,Writer,and Rocco Ambrosio, Director, who discuss how their faith informs their lives as young Hollywood filmmakers; how that faith has inspired their latest project Shock Value.
A Kiss Should Mean Something: The Proliferation of Contraception and Its Societal Effects
By Jason Izolt, M.Ed., M.A.T.
I was recently listening to an episode of Right Here Right Now on EWTN Radio. The host, Patrick Madrid, had a special guest, Msgr. Charles Pope from the Archdiocese of Washington on the show. They were discussing the proliferation of fornication in our society today. A couple of things struck me, which I would like to share.
Respect all Life
By Anne Marty
One day on my way to the cemetery to pray for the poor souls, my youngest son asked me to stop in front of the local nursing home. He said "Let's pray for the imprisoned." Pope Francis recently stated the importance of taking care of the growing number of elderly people across the globe.
Christians Did Not Invent 'Imaginary Sky Friend'
By Bill Dunn
If you read the articles and comments on Catholic websites, you’ll notice a lot of atheists also visit these sites to mock religious people as simpletons who believe in fairy tales. A recurring taunt by atheists is that Christians have invented an “imaginary friend in the sky.” And this sky friend, whom we call God, is just a figment of our imaginations, someone we’ve created to make us feel good.
Always Searching For More
By John C Prejean Sr.
Why is it we are always searching for more? I remember before my reversion, the thought that “there has got to be something else, something more,” kept going through my mind and I found out that there was, but it took total surrender to God on my part, something most of us find hard to do. We fear that we may become less of a person if we give ourselves to God, that we won’t be the same person.
Child Euthanasia—Another Secular Abomination Degrading God's Natural Law?
By Larry Peterson
I think that the plague of secularism that has engulfed the entire world possibly reached its optimal success last February. The highly civilized country of Belgium passed a law allowing children to choose to euthanize themselves.
Victory? Yes, Indeed
By David R. Myers
How many times have we heard that Christ has won the victory? And what may be more to the point, how many times have we wondered, perhaps only to ourselves or to those close to us, how this can be?
The Smallest Gift Becomes the Greatest
By Dean P. Johnson
I can pinpoint a turning point in my spiritual grown to nearly ten years ago when, on Christmas morning, I reached deep into my stocking for that last small gift that often times has far greater value than any of the large packages. I pulled out a rectangular box with all the hallmarks of jewelry.
October 7, The Feast Day of Our Lady of Victory/Our Lady of the Rosary
By Catholic365
Islamic armies ranged along the coasts of Africa, the Middle and Near East, toppling established powers, yearning “to bring all Europe within the dar al-Islam, the ‘House of Submission’ — submissive to the sharia law. Europe, as the land of the infidels, was the dar al-Harb, the ‘House of War’.
The Sorrowful Mysteries of the Rosary…..Points to Ponder
By Rosemary Bogdan
While praying the rosary, it is important to meditate on the mystery of the decade you’re saying. Sometimes this is a challenge. The following are some thoughts that may help to keep your mind on each of the sorrowful mysteries
Sow Love
By Norma Elaine Robertson
I see grace when a person shows their dislike of me and my beliefs, because it's an opportunity for spiritual growth. I don't encourage anybody to dislike me, I hope not, but I do see it as an opportunity of spiritual growth. It takes humility and self control to hold your tongue when others speak unkindly to you or of you.
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