Linda Kracht lives in St Paul MN with her husband, Dave. Linda is the founder of Fortifying Families of Faith whose mission is to support, fortify and advocate for parents as they ‘parent against the tide.’
Fortifying Families of Faith fully acknowledges that society comes from families and will only be as strong as the average family. Therefore, it is crucial that society recognizes the importance of the autonomous family. Linda advocates for parent-directed formation of children specifically in three areas: Faith, Morality & Sex Education no matter where they are enrolled academically.
Linda is the author of multiple publications including her current best seller: Journaling with Sunday Scriptures: A Book for All Seasons. Other publications include; Daughters and Sons Forever. Mothers Forever, Fathers Forever; Black and White; Surviving College; and the Art of Breastfeeding. Linda has also written many articles on a wide variety of topics for parents to support them in their role as lay priest prophet and king of their christian families. Linda’s experience with parenting her own seven children forged her dedication to writing and teaching about matters that pertain to marriage and family life. For more information about Linda, Fortifying Families of Faith, her articles, online materials, and parent programs please visit